Developing a sustainable and diverse economy on Haida Gwaii.
The Misty Isles Economic Development Society (MIEDS) was established in 2008 on Haida Gwaii, the territory of the Haida Nation. A non-profit society dedicated to economic development, MIEDS represents the communities of G̱aw/Masset, Port Clements/’Wáan Kún/Gamadiis, Daajing Giids, K’il Kun/Sandspit (Area E), and NCRD Area D (rural Graham Island). The organization was created to enable coordinated efforts between island communities and pursue joint economic development activities.
Economic development accords were signed by the communities and the Council of the Haida Nation and represent shared economic development priorities that provide direction in moving our island communities forward.
The MIEDS board comprises representatives from the three municipalities and the North Coast Regional District Rural Areas D&E. The current Board of Directors consists of Jim Currie (Village of Masset), Dennis Reindl (Village of Port Clements), Alanah Mountifield (Village of Daajing Giids), and Evan Putterill (NCRD Area E).
MIEDS staff are Dezea Alexander (Executive Director) and Elin Dieme (Media Manager).
Below are some of the economic development projects underway:
Haida Gwaii Community Forest Project – development of a community forest agreement on Haida Gwaii
Go Haida Gwaii – visitor information and trip planning resource for Haida Gwaii
Shop Haida Gwaii – all-island ECommerce site, with shipping across Canada that features local artisans and products
To review the MIEDS Workplace Bullying, Harassment and Violence Policy – click here.